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Subterrestrial : Ocean Beach

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Catalog number
Playtime: 01:06:08 - 201kb/s - 77.52 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/08/07 23:28h



electronicaidmelectronicchill outdowntempoloungetrip-hopbraindancechillfunkchilloutsoulbassinstrumental hip hopfuture garage Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Ocean Beach is the next installment in Subterrestrial's Summer of Chill series. Summer is officially in full swing and I invite you to enjoy a true California summer with me. Ocean Beach is a collection of chilled, funky and soulful downtempo tracks to get you in the mood. Play this album at your next backyard BBQ, while lounging on the beach or on a sunset drive with the windows rolled down. Stay cool and enjoy your summer!

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Playlists containing tracks from this release

Subterrestrial Promo Playlist
Subterrestrial Promo Playlist
Public Playlist
24 Tracks | Playtime: 04:56:12

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