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Acustronica : Nylon & Turtle

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Playtime: 37:15 - 256kb/s - 55.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/08/01 18:49h



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Release Notes

"My ear were literally staggered as soon as the first notes of this disk" La Grosse Radio Rock

"An album you can taste listening after listening" NetMusic Life

"An interesting and pleasing album" iThink magazine

Nylon and Turtle was recorded after that, while he was watching jazz pianist Brad Mehldau, Sergi boal, guitarist and composer, had a revelation: the necessity to create his own music. This necessity led him few months later to record this CD. There are 9 songs, most of them recorded in one or two takes, so it's almost a live recording. It is an organic and intimate album, in which the guitarist tries to make a little travel. As in Ice Voice, where it can be appreciated the Nordic influences of Jose Gonzalez, or Yorke, where we can hear echoes of Radiohead. Fukushima is a tribute to the victims of the tsunami in Japan, in where it mixes anger and calm; The incident of the Bell features great tecnique and sounds with a mixture of pop and grunge music, all with the same nylon guitar. In Frontera, the flamenco sounds in his fingers, and take us to Orecchio di Dioniso, and then we get carried away through the last song of the album, "Is anybody out there?", a composition that borrows the title from Pink Floyd, ending with a question. This album is the starting point of this guitarrist of Barcelona, who decided one day to make his own music with the guitar. Sit back and listen ... is anybody out there?

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