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MixgalaxyRecords : Not So Scary

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Playtime: 27:00 - 320kb/s - 50.62 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/04/23 20:02h



experimentalambientdark ambientconceptualsilent hill Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Let’s welcome Boris Kostin also known as Restin. This young producer from Moscow brought us a new EP in a very interesting style which someone can call “Soundtrack for non-existing movie”. 30 years ago Brian Eno first introduced this idea with his albums which developed ambient music genre as we know it today. Inspired by Akira Yamaoka and Marylin Manson creations, Restin has composed atmospheric music for a horror movie that will never be made. The words just fail to cover this conceptual work in any acceptable scale. And while we don’t have enough time to invent new improvements in language for making it possible, you should give your ears a try to be the judges and find out all the sublayers and meanings of this work yourself.

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