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camada netlabel : Noches de repilo

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Playtime: 28:42 - 272kb/s - 42.56 MB
Date published
2010/04/30 16:09h



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Release Notes

L'enfant terrible duanel se presenta en la camada con cuatro temas que cabalgan en el deep a lomos tanto del house como del techno, con ligeras incursiones en las procelosas aguas del ácido. Apto tanto para la pista como para el salón. Ligeros saxos, Rhodes a medio gas, trompetas perdidas en la lejanía… un lujo a tu alcance.

L'enfant terrible duanel introduces to the camada four themes that ride on the backs of both House and Techno, with minor incursions into the troubled waters of Acid. Suitable for both: the dance floor and the living room, thanks to the lightweight saxes, decaf Rhodes, and the trumpets playing far in the distance... a luxury at your fingertips.

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