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mastik : Night Music Inure Mind

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Catalog number
Playtime: 14:14 - 320kb/s - 26.69 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/11/05 20:39h



dnbjungleatmosphericintelligentliquiddrum and bassatmospheric drum and bassliquid funk Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Two nifty tracks from a brand new musician Deephno!

In the "Night Music" lightweight and unobtrusive beat alongside a pleasing space pads flavored with an excellent bass and sax accents refer us to the wonderful motives of the old drum & bass from GLO.

"Inure Mind" on the contrary is very energetic and pretty techy track with vocal insertions will leave a truly remarkable aftertaste.

Deephno is just taking the first steps, but on this single it's already possible to judge his potential. Feels a clear, precise style and energy in his music. Enjoy yourself and share with your friends!

Many thanks to Sergey Degtyarev ( for the great photo used in artwork.

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