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Acustronica : Nada es para todos

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Playtime: 01:17:36 - 320kb/s - 145.50 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/01/10 13:11h



guitarjazzimprovisationacousticavantgardeacustronica Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

"Nada es para todos" use the same procedures than my prior "orchestral albums" : piling up layers of overdubbed lines that I composed in real time as I play all the instrument with the spontaneus interaction tipically found in free jazz, without any prevous ideas about the melodies, rhythms, harmonies, styles, etc... The only exception is track 3 which is a collage of a melodica track cut in 3 parts and stack up like a fake counterpoint in the Frank Zappa's xenocronicity style." Claudio Nunez

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