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BFWrecordings : My Sad Captains

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Playtime: 47:33 - 320kb/s - 89.16 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/08/13 10:59h



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Release Notes

The new album of quiet piano music by Daniel Land, also known as the singer and songwriter of Manchester shoegazers Daniel Land and The Modern Painters.
He also create atmospheric ambient music under the name riverrun.
Daniel plays bass, along side Mark Peters and Ulrich Schnauss in Engineers and plays guitar in The Steals.
My Sad Captains is Daniel's first album of piano music, written between 1997 and 2012, and recorded over an 8 year period with help from Bing Satellites, Ian McGinn, and others.

Daniel Land is the front man and chief songwriter of the shoegaze inspired band Daniel Land & The Modern Painters, currently working on their third album, as well as playing guitar in The Steals and playing bass in Engineers alongside Mark Peters and Ulrich Schnauss.

Under his own name, he has released quiet piano music on BFW and on CD.

Daniel also creates dark, atmospheric ambient music uncer the name riverrun.

Daniel Land / riverrun on the web:" rel="nofollow">

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