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SKW : My guitar sounds like that

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Catalog number
Playtime: 44:38 - 320kb/s - 83.69 MB
Date released
Date published
2016/03/10 19:41h



ambientguitarelectronicbelarusfree improvisationskw Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

My name is J.J. I’m the guitarist in Belarussian bands Stardust Circus and The Glitchhh. This is my first solo work. The whole material was recorded exclusively with my guitar and a few FX pedals. The main concept is to reproduce guitar sounds in my head in real time. This is my own approach to the instrument and its sound. The music lacks guitar riffs and solos; it is filled with shrouding sound landscapes which are to immerse a listener in special atmosphere.

All tracks are played in real time and can just be played at my live gigs.

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