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BFWrecordings : Moonlight Drift

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Catalog number
Playtime: 01:15:39 - 320kb/s - 141.84 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/04/16 22:25h



ambientdronechillgenerativesoundscapeatmosphericnew agerelaxationbinaural Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

CD available:

18 months in the making - it is finally here!
Moonlight Drift is 75 minutes of peaceful ambient music, perfect for relaxing.

The Lovely Moon is one ambient side project of BFW founder Bing Satellites.
While most of my music is quite chilled, I decided to create some music specifically for chilling out, relaxing or meditating.
The music is therefore relaxed but positive.
As with my other side project The Ambient Visitor, all of the music is generative - each note is played in a loop, the length of each loop is slightly different so as the music plays, patterns are created. In theory, each song could play for a very long time (we're talking many, many years) without exactly repeating.

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