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HAZE : Monotract Purpurnoj Voronki

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 40:34 - 320kb/s - 76.06 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/10/08 10:16h



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Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

Now the lord once decided to set off for the mountain where the man lives; Lord Gilgameš decided to set off for the mountain where the man lives. He spoke to his slave Enkidu:
«Enkidu, since a man cannot pass beyond the final end of life, I want to set off into the mountains, to establish my renown there. Where renown can be established there, I will establish my renown; and where no renown can be established there, I shall establish the renown of the gods.»
His slave Enkidu answered him: «My lord, if today you are going to set off into the mountains, Utu should know about it from us. Utu, youthful Utu, should know about it from us. A decision that concerns the mountains is Utu’s business. A decision that concerns the Mountains of Cedar-felling is the business of youthful Utu. Utu should know about it from us.»
Gilgameš a white kid. In his hand he held a holy staff before his nose, as he addressed Utu of heaven:
«Utu, I am going to set off into the mountains! May you be my helper! I am going to set off into the Mountains of Cedar-felling! May you be my helper!»
From heaven Utu replied to him: «Young man, you are noble already in your own right — but what would you want with the mountains?».

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