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djummi-records : Moderate Peril

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Catalog number
Playtime: 20:44 - 320kb/s - 38.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2016/07/29 06:54h



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Release Notes

The Cream Canteens bring you ‘Moderate Peril’

Feast your ears! This eagerly-awaited EP is a musical summit in all respects: a meeting of minds returned from remote audio peaks with a knapsack of treasure.

The Canteens fuse their digital experiments with the wiles of ancient folklore, creating a palette that is all their own. Each track is a bittersweet quest, moving from melodic flute ditties to sonic fuzz barrage, from lo-fi tinkering to laser-synth pyrotechnics. These warm-hearted tunes are guided by a firm hand on the tiller, with a daydream nod to the darker shores…

So, lay back and relax on this trans-Europa express and immerse your lobes in a mildly-threatening aural treat!

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