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Wondermachine : Mizgir - Mizgir EP

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Playtime: 38:32 - 320kb/s - 72.25 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/10/23 15:29h



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Release Notes

Mizgir invites you to his secret garden. The music on this EP is universal, intriguing, and romantic. Following its own rules, the approach of Mizgir is soulful, organic, integrating instrumental parts played live as well as improvisational elements. Classical, ethnic, jazz, electronics and silence are the main influences in this open concept.

The track "Starostin" features Sergei Starostin playing rozhok from "Shymel Kamish" and the track "Esenin" features vocal cuts from Sergei Starostin song "Devki".

Arctic Sunrise Intro and Arctic Sunrise are tribute tracks for the crew of Arctic Sunrise, imprisoned in Murmansk – Russia.

About the artist:
Mizgir is the alias for electronic music used by Georg (Gera) Taraman. He is a trained multi-instrumentalist in classical, jazz and Hindu traditions. The alias "Mizgir" was taken as tribute to the Rimsky-Korsakov opera "The Snow Maiden: a spring fairy tale" (Russian: SnegUrochka) based on the like-named play by Alexander Ostrovsky. The character "Mizgir" is a wealthy and passionate, which resonates with an inner side of this musical project.

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