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mamrecords : Mine All Mine Records IV

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Playtime: 01:15:07 - 218kb/s - 99.50 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/05/20 08:02h



noiseexperimentalambientelectronicindierockdronehip-hoplo-fipost-rockindie rockglo-fi Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

The Rainy Day Mixtape series has been reborn! Along with our name change, it seemed appropriate to change the title of the compilation series. Mine All Mine Records IV is the first under this new name, and this time, it is curated by Given Willingly. Twelve tracks from our label’s history have been put together for your listening pleasure, including a track by The Purple Paring Knife that has never before been available in this quality, as well as a brand new track by the Given Willingly / Beatoven collaborative project, Lornbawn.

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