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Foundamental Network : Mind Like Water EP

Catalog number
Playtime: 20:24 - 320kb/s - 38.25 MB
Date published
2011/03/30 00:04h

Custom license, please check on labels website.


idmexperimentalambientglitchchill outabstractfoundamentalharmashsavitsky Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

In 2002 Vitaliy Harmash (i/dex) and Andrey Savitsky (hhtp) exchanged their records for future collaboration. Tracks and sounds were taken from Andrey’s albums «Forming» and «Wave weavers». Vitaliy mixed up and alchemized them, and now, eight years later recollected this collaborative work. As a result, this entrancing mini-album shaped out. Listening to music like this is like being inside a complex intelligent healing machine that scans and examines every piece of you - mind, soul, body and all the other components of a human being that only it can see. This machine uses sounds to palpate and locate every disfunctional, sore, tired, worn out and dislocated fragment and detail of you - and melts the tensions, fills the voids, clears the energy channels, cleans and restores corrugated regions, sends series of regenerating micro-impulses, cools down and warms up where necessary. Heals like sonic acupuncture and mild, precise and concentrated neuro-stimulation. Are you ready for an ambient-glitch therapy session

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