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phonocake : Mecanik EP

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Playtime: 14:57 - 239kb/s - 21.04 MB



electronicaidmelektroelectrobreakbeatdark spherical idm breaksenergeticmysterious sphereselectro/idm/experimental/breaksdresdendark melodic electronicafatrockingepmelodic electronica Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

With the intro track "effixx", it takes Mr. Incognito roughly a minute to open up a world of noises, an exploration of spheric sounds, letting the listener wander through areas structured by noise and machine sounds, almost as if s/he was the only remaining human being in a world inhabited by robots: hydraulic systems, engines, picker arms, performing their tasks unaffected by the observer - a vision that does not convey fear, but much rather raises curiosity within the fascinated, uninvolved observer and lets him (or her) put the Mecanik EP on repeat for further exploration of the created acoustic space.

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