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fish recordings : MEFJUS+CHE - DR SATAN

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 5:54 - 320kb/s - 11.06 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/06/16 10:32h



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Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

"beware! this track does NOT represent the style of its producer anymore"...i am tired of this shit, producer moaning about how old tracks are and that they are no longer satisfied with the tune. so what? for god's sake, if a tune is a banger, it is a banger, no matter how old the fucking track is. if the people want the music just let them have it and stop complaining about dynamics or phatness o other technical bullshit no one understands. it is always the same: everybody loves the track except for the producer and it will never be released but not in this case :-Dcheck out "dr satan" brought to you by fish recordings!

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