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Audiocast Productions : LowerEqualAbove

Catalog number
Playtime: 01:09:22 - 320kb/s - 130.06 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/10/13 23:50h



ambienttrip-hopaudiocastproductionswooder Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

About Audiocast Productions -Audiocast Productions is a creative commons netlabel that was set up in July 2009 and based in the United Kingdom.Our focus is electronic music but we cater for a wide range of tastes and styles and our main aim is to provide artists from around the globe with an outlet for their music.Audiocast Productions is completely none-profit so we don't have money to spend on fancy promo's so we would love for you to help spread the word, share our releases with your friends on your favourite social networks, if your a blogger, writer or a podcaster, we'd love for you to include any of our releases, anything you could do would be greatly appreciated.=================RSS Feed - - - - - - the release -Artist(s): WooderRelease Title: LowerEqualAboveRelease Code: AUDCST038Released: 13/10/2010Bit Rate/Format: 320kb/s MP3Genre(s): Trip-Hop, Electronics, Ambient=================Description -I'd like to think this is my personal tribute to electronic music, I have incorporated several styles that have influenced me (abstract hip-hop, drum and bass, trip-hop, minimal house...)and mixed them with long strings, piano & voices (sometimes all together) to create a sound that allows the ambient sound to melt with kicks and snares. Wooder=================Track list -01 - King Is Dead (5:27)02 - Belle Et Bien Morte (5:08)03 - Still (4:30)04 - There's Nothing To Be Sorry About (5:02)05 - Right Hand Left Hand (3:36)06 - Nothing Last Forever (4:08)07 - Meanwhile (3:27)08 - Brothers (6:40)09 - Worthless (5:49)10 - The World For Her Smile (7:24)11 - Sept Cent Trente Quatre (6:10)12 - I Would Have Wiped Your Tears If Only You Had Cried (5:29)13 - Long Live The King (6:31)[Artwork by Wooder]=================Thanks for listening, and be sure to check out Wooders Websites : more information on this release, the artist or Audiocast Productions please visit our website: -Creative Commons: Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported© Copyright 2010 Audiocast Productions.

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