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rawmatroid : Lonely Voyage To Nowhere

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Catalog number
Playtime: 39:00 - 320kb/s - 73.12 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/09/02 00:04h



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Release Notes

Describing “Lonely voyage to nowhere” as a trip might seem a cliche, but that is exactly what we are proposing in this Rawmatroid Class third reference. This is a work in which the abstract, the cosmic and the personal are mixed to create an specific and electronic idea.Kebiin has reflected throughout the album what it means to face a solo journey into the unknown.

The author introduces us with “K-100″ squarely in a crowded universe of different atmospheres; it serves as the first item overture and gives rise to “Phobos”, where it begins to shape up the matter with a track characterized by its dark notes and its retroactive pad. It is followed by “Isolation” and “The Border Line” as a kind of sound awakening much more melodic and cheerful, then it comes “Knowledge”, a break track, in essence a march, which may sound even epic. With “Water” we go back to the darkness environments and the suspended notes, and with “Get in the mood” Kebiin gives a turn to his sound offering perhaps the most “extravagant” track in the album.

The album closes with the nostalgia evoked by the melodies of “Bleeding Tears” a subject that leaves a sort of  “To be continue” in the air; hopefully so.

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