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Wondermachine : Loco Drang EP

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Playtime: 33:24 - 169kb/s - 32.04 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/12/20 14:22h



experimentalimprovisationlive electronicswondermachineruttisavrolaingemarstalholm Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

There comes a time when you have to focus on your own taste and preference, and push that as far as you can.

The product of an early Saturday morning jam that leaves you with an urge to get going, but no idea where to start - it is a certain form of madness, but with no outlet for it.

A yearning for something indefinable.

Loco Drang EP

1. Moustache 13:02
2. Savrola 9:37
3. Inne 1:19
4. Dupont 9:25

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