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djummi-records : Llankru

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Catalog number
Playtime: 30:08 - 255kb/s - 45.04 MB
Date released
Date published
2017/10/18 14:16h



lofi netaudio ccmusic djummi instrumental dresden alternative postrock Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

The magic of the basics

A music: very simple, as present and obvious as the happening round us. Its sounds: Elements in space, which fly apart in uniform motion, without resistance and get together again.

Llankrú masters the vanishing till the dispersal. Just as its opposite: The bang, with which all wants to expand into space from the center with force. In doing so time is relative. And therefore their im- and explosions happen in seemingly endless calm.

The instruments sound like they sound. A guitar, a second, guitar, a bass and a drum set. The musicians have freed sound and arrangement from all the superfluity and potential masquerade. But intuitively, not wilfully. The single sin is the glowing overdrive sometimes. But to this one the blessing was given already.

With all this „Sturz durch Raum und Zeit Richtung Unendlichkeit“ (C. Karges) Llankrú’s songs relate wonderfully. They could be the six episodes of a film, which may work stand-alone, but forge a bridge of a whole narration together.

The narrative power rises with the reduction. That’s the magic of the basics. Everything runs to a point, slowly the sum of the parts emerges and condenses more and more. And than suddenly: Nothing. (Text: M. S. Christ)

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