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PandaFuzz : Live in Saransk

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Catalog number
Playtime: 28:19 - 320kb/s - 53.09 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/07/06 02:46h



experimentalambientelectronicrockabstractethereal Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Love Cult is the whole damn package. Comprised of Ivan Afanasyev and Anya Kuts (link), currently based out of the Republic of Karelia, they are involved in a variety of projects ranging from Love Cult and its associated acts and tours to running the fine label Full of Nothing (link). Beyond that they design and package all of those releases themselves, this release being no different.

Documenting a live show from Saransk with Bedroom Bear, who also makes appearances with this duo from time to time, this recording shows Love Cult in focused form delivering a solid stream of audio from two people locked into each others ideas….we find them chanting their own mantras but allowing us space to enjoy the ride. . Mastering and restoration work from fellow pandafuzz artist Erich Steiger (here & here).

Artwork here is by the talented Anya Kuts, whose work graces much of the Full of Nothing catalog and who currently does workshops for children at The Museum of Fine Arts of Republic of Karelia.

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