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BFWrecordings : Live at Haziko

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Catalog number
Playtime: 44:32 - 320kb/s - 83.50 MB
Date released
Date published
2015/11/21 14:18h



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Release Notes

Recorded: 30.10.2015. Budapest, Házikó Catering Manufacture.
The Amygdala Live recorded at Házikó
No vsti, no computer, no DAW used
Only synths: Elektron A4, Clavia Nord Modular G1, Nord Drum

The Amygdala is the stage name of László Néder from Hungary.

He has been playing the guitar for 20 years and is a member of a rockband, but he started to making electric music first time just for the living room.

In 2008 he began to make live acts and debut in clubs of Budapest, and in 2010 on biggest festival of Hungary (Sziget Fesztivál, Cöxpón Ambient sátor).

His style is a mix of ambient, experimental, drone and electronic music. He lives in the countryside and inspirded by the nature. Nowadays, he compose music for short document films and industrial videos as well.

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