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FreshPoulpRecords : Live at Favela Chic Paris

Catalog number
Playtime: 01:03:16 - 128kb/s - 47.45 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/01/27 14:21h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

This fifteenth release for Fresh Poulp is the story of two guys, the french Rafiralfiro and the spanish [wini] 2.0, loving eachother’s music, and willing to share and to mix their identity and their musical skills. After a first and decisive meeting in Alicante ( Spain ) in early fall 2007, they decided to set a live collaboration as soon as possible, startin with a gig in Paris in the first days of 2008. This event could have been cancelled, requested by a pseudo-collective (Amaze) that didn’t respond to their responsability, but it finally happened due to the restlessness of the two artists. This recording is the product of a week of intensive musical preparation to blend their style into one homogenic alloy, cruising from hip-hop to electro, filled with latin explosions and oriental dubby moods…

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