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RecyclingRecords : Live In My Bedroom

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Catalog number
Playtime: 44:10 - 320kb/s - 82.81 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/06/24 12:27h



glitchbreakcoreplunderphonicsbastard-popmashupsampling Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Sinead O’Connick Jr. is promoting electronic deviance since 2001 by hosting radio show, organising parties, sound & visual arts festivals and creating music less or more seriously for 5 years now. He uses Max Msp patch by Raphael Isdant ( to play random sounds and live effects creating kind of realtime collage with toys noises, voice or anything that can sound low fi. With mashups he aims to step across the different genres of music, to create musical contrasts by putting together avant-garde and dance music, to make a link between lettrist/situationist "détournement" theory, DIY punk culture, plunderphonics, bootlegs and other reapproriations of modern electronics. All the genres that are wrecked go from disco, italo disco, 80s minimal wave, hair metal, euro dance, happyhardcore, midi music, jungle, hiphop to speedcore, breakcore, noise & gabber. From the hypermnesic sampling to the noise amnesia - this music questions our memory and our feelings about this post post post modern culture.

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