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SERIES : Like being home ep

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Playtime: 17:26 - 256kb/s - 26.15 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/04/13 23:04h



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Release Notes

With a flawless narrative solvency, in the new Lucrecia ep remains certain traces of their previous effort, and although both of them share some obvious resemblances, she gives more space to the acoustic instruments and leaves aside some elements that she no longer considers indispensable. Lucrecia has never humanized herself this way before, she is less indulgent and more personal. Surprising author music in the best sense of the word.

* Recorded in Pereira-Colombia 2007 *Illustration: Ana Maria López

Changing the weather Drums: Arhkota drums Drums engineer: C. castaño, blueplant studio,Los Angeles,CA

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