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BFWrecordings : Lifelong EP

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Catalog number
Playtime: 16:38 - 320kb/s - 31.19 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/05/02 01:04h



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Release Notes

Mastered by Andrew Horton Art by Victor Duarte The debut on BFW recordings from Vapor Lanes is an EP of intense, grainy electronica.

Vapor Lanes is the solo project of A. Karuna, hailing from the midwestern US. He's been all over the map in the past few years, from playing shows with Aloha andHoly Fuck in a post-rock band to appearing on a locked-groove 7" alongsideNurse With Wound. As Vapor Lanes, he wrenches emotion from analog synths and laptops, creating a haze of blissful noise, wavering drones, ghost rhythms & warped pop.

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