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FUSELab : Lictina

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Catalog number
Playtime: 37:51 - 320kb/s - 70.97 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/02/28 19:30h



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Release Notes

That's it - the 13th issue. 13 parts of dreaded black-and-white cartoon titled "Lictina" from our Ukrainian friend Maxim Kiritchenko aka Niekto. However do not panic, just make it out carefully; Maxim has a wonderful sense of humor and "Lictina" is just a great winter story. Dark, but very alive. Maxim is not only a musician but also a painter, poet and photographer. Many of his works have become the basis of our releases' design elements. You can also watch Maxim's foto and painted scenes in our Media section. Enjoy your travels.Cover by (!?) Maxim Kiritchenko

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