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DAST Net Recordings : Let Da Living Live And The Death Dance EP

Catalog number
Playtime: 34:56 - 320kb/s - 65.50 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/02/17 07:06h



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Release Notes

Artist....: G.U.A.
Title....: Let Da Living Live And The Death Dance EP
Catalog#....: DAST031
Medium....: 5 x File / EP
Playtime....: 34min 54sec
Format....: WAVE
Quality....: (1411 kBit/s / Original Master Files)
Mastering...: Mèrge Audio Works
Country....: Mexico
Released....: 17 Feb 2012
Genre....: Electronic
Style....: Tech-House, Minimal, Progressive-Tech

The next number comes from the overseas, we are glad particularly to you our Mexican friend and brother G.U.A. (Global Uniun Ampliefer) to be allowed to introduce. It is his first publication on DAST Net Recordings. His sound vision is a rapid roller coaster journey, however, it is nothing as well as it seems, rolling basses, feathery synthetic house elements, sex, rock and a gigantic grin in the face are the quite normal effect during his show. But it is also his intention „The dance floor must burn“! ENJOY & PEACE!!!

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