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PandaFuzz : Leaving In Waves

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 29:44 - 320kb/s - 55.75 MB
Date published
2012/09/17 02:46h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

I’ve been here before…

And I know that, whether or not they are ready to admit, many people have been here before…

Abstract music is just that; abstract. The artist can make suggestions, in titles and artwork, but in the end, the listener holds all the power. Once the needle drops, or the headphones slip on, the creator can only hope that they’ve done their due diligence in getting what they need across, be it as abstract of concrete as they like.

So that begs the question; is it futile to try and paint the picture; to create a concrete place described in sound? Perhaps that’s a question left to rhetoric, but in regards to this work by Clayton Alpha, it may not wholly be the case. He makes a compelling argument for his creation. His thesis is strong. I can feel his ground under my feet. I can smell the air, sense the familiar architecture. His conclusion, like the ground, is solid.

We can compare notes later…for now, enjoy the landscape.

Artwork by Lyconaut

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