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Cakes and tapes : Layered

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Date published
2011/11/14 05:16h



post-rockindie rockportugalluís costa Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

"Layered" is the first solo release in almost three years from multi-instrumentalist Luís Costa, who, in the meantime, was involved in some of the most acclaimed Portuguese projects of the past decade, including the grungy Madcab and the soon-to-be-world-famous indie pop/rock outfit You Can't Win, Charlie Brown.

"Wide" is the first advance from the mostly instrumental six-song EP, where the absence of words is only briefly interrupted by a collaboration with the well established Portuguese songwriter Noiserv. Other guest appearances on the EP include former Madcab band mate Nuno Silva on bass, Bruno Julião (Monomonkey) on drums and Filipa Vale on violin and cello, among others.

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