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BFWrecordings : Lakewaves Vol. 2

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Catalog number
Playtime: 40:54 - 320kb/s - 76.69 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/08/30 09:38h



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Release Notes

All music written by Devin Powers and Graham Marlowe.
All production and mixing by Devin Powers with exceptions for track 3, 6, and 9 by Graham Marlowe
Track 3 Welcoming the Dawn (featuring CooKeDmusic) recorded & Mixed by CooKeDmusic, Written/Performed by Graham Marlowe & Joel Nesbit
Track 6 Burning Daylight recorded & mixed by Cheyne Trost; mastered by Will Bailey; keyboards & composition by Graham; guitar/effects - Cheyne Trost
Track 9 Cartwheels in Storms recorded by Cheyne Trost; mixed & mastered by Will Bailey; keyboards/talkbox & composition - Graham Marlowe; bass - Cheyne Trost; drums/programming - Devin Powers
Artwork and Design by Devin Powers

The second collaboration album from Devin Powers (SineRider) and Graham Marlowe, both of whom will be familiar to many of you from their previous releases on BFW and beyond.
This album acts as a second half to its counterpart, however it builds and expands upon its own musical ideas.

Lakewaves Vol. 2 is a fusion of scratchy tape loops, guitars and smooth synthesizers set to jazzy, downtempo rhythms.


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