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enoughrecords : La prima sega di Mishima

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 28:42 - 224kb/s - 37.67 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/03/12 18:58h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

Contemporary experimental written and sound artist Roberto Maldoror Manfredini contacted us trying to re-release under our netlabel some of his previously limited edition creations put out through a now defunct local label. This album was one of the first we listened to and imediatly adored, both for it's concept and the sounds derived from it, it's a love tribute to the great Yukio Mishima, even if the title it's kind of... satyrical (the translation could be "Mishima's first rat's fuck", based on the book "Confession of a mask", where he describes his first masturbation on the image of Saint Sebastian).

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