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Zimmer-Records : Krzho - lovebite

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Playtime: 28:33 - 320kb/s - 53.53 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/04/29 00:29h



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Release Notes

A hickey (or love bite) is a temporary bruise or mark caused by kissing, sucking, or biting the skin forcefully enough to burst blood vessels beneath the skin.

Hickeys typically last from four to twelve days and may be treated in the same way as other bruises. Hickeys can be a purple-like color similar to other types of bruises, or a cluster of red speckles.

According to common belief, one way to help the hickey heal is to put a block of ice on the affected area, although this will only help if the hickeys have been present for under 10 minutes. They can be covered with foundation, powder or concealer if one wishes to hide them. Another method of concealment is to use an article of clothing such as a scarf or polo neck. [wikipedia]

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