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12rec : Kölner Sommer

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 31:25 - 192kb/s - 35.34 MB
Date published
2009/09/14 15:41h



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Release Notes

zeugwart hallbauer like to use reverb. many sounds seem to circulate in a far distance, diving in and out of the listeners ear. and they create a lot of room for these sounds, still there are always walls somewhere to stop the sounds from floating into total oblivion. did somebody say these guys were playing electronica?

their music is sort of loop based, two or three main rhythmic motives and a line to carry the melody. dont get me wrong: the 'koelner sommer EP' isn't really minimal. zeugwart hallbauer superimpose many loops on top of each other, create swinging, even polyrhytmic patterns of synthetic melodies and grooves. you can dance to it, but you don't have to. you can also chill and nod your head while trying to figure out the many influences zeugwart hallbauer melt together: house and techno-music (obvious), pop and jazz, hip hop, maybe 70s electronic music (sometimes klaus schulze comes to my mind).it took a while to release the EP because we've been waiting for the videos to be finished. hugs and kisses to matthias groebel and rick silva for their great video-works! and to amaia martin and rui oliveira who designed the CDR-package. please check with whom we're releasing this great EP for some detailed information and further linkage.

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