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node b : Killing Camper Van Beethoven - Elevator Music

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Playtime: 5:49 - 320kb/s - 10.91 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/08/04 19:30h



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Release Notes

node b’s first single, “Killing Camper Van Beethoven” by David Nemeth. The artist writes:

This is my response David Lowery’s ridiculous rant on the Free Culture movement where Lowery conflates illegal file-sharers with Free Culture. Beyond blaming the deaths of Mark Linkous and Vic Chestnut on file sharers, Lowery just doesn’t have the simple grasp of what Free Culture is all about. The Free Culture Movement does not believe that artists should not get paid; we only believe in sharing the work we produce without the stigma of money. The quote included in the track goes as follows:

What the corporate backed Free Culture movement is asking us to do is analogous to changing our morality and principles to allow the equivalent of looting.

The piano piece in “Killing Camper Van Beethoven” is a midi version of Beethoven’s “Sonata No. 5 C minor, Opus 10/1″ from Bernd Krueger at The Classical Piano Midi-Page. It is licensed CC BY-SA.

“Elevator Music” is a collage of field recordings composed of various elevator rides I took going to work. This track will not be released on the album, “A Noise Life”.

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