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Ionium : Kapitän Ahoi!

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Catalog number
Playtime: 47:17 - 320kb/s - 88.66 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/03/09 08:28h



electronicminimalelectro8-bitsynthpopnew wave Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

KID MONOTON payed his love to the old analog times tribute with COLD-BIT. Due to permanent deep hits, the artist decided better to bury COLD-BIT and gather the crop of multiple decades. Now finally is the time, the album "Kapitän Ahoi!" isn't just the debut act, but also his farewell to his analog baby, which he loves with all his heart, but also abandon, when the bad luck is chasing him all the time.He presents a collection of all singers, which were in touch with him over all the years or which wanted to contribute something to the farewell. He received help from artists like Daniel of FILE NOT FOUND, Asmodi of EGOAMP or TENSE, which all proved with their projects, that their love to the 80s is celebrated with devotion, which noone can decline. The 12 songs reflect the deep deviotion for this era of musical history. "Kapitän Ahoi!" supplies a mixture for everyone, no matter if you prefer to dance (Running Man, Undercover), want to cry out your frustration (Don't Need That) or want to listen to stories written by life (Tongue Tied, Dancing Leaves), the music appeals to you. In a symbolic way the album is completed with "Nostalgic Wave", a kind of farewell and simultaneous a symbol of honor for this kind of music.Now it's time to say goodbye. KID MONOTON surely may stay in the world of music, on one way or another, but let us accompany COLD-BIT on it's last way dancing, with the due respect and a positive attitude. Maybe the end is just the beginning of something new.

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