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suRRism-Phonoethics : Joseph Boi

Catalog number
Playtime: 29:36 - 320kb/s - 55.50 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/01/17 15:25h



experimentalavant-gardefield recordingsmurmuristsguitarselectric toothbrushprepared zithertinskitchen utensilssurrism-phonoethics Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

suRRism-Phonoethicsis proud to announce first release... though the second kick off external but no joint release!-handle the short as wired, threshold your companion through glasses…welCOMEone of the VERY important son of doings:Murmurists (Anthony Donovan)and his unrecorded trust of art 'Joseph Boi'Ground Bursting Circuits Merry The Mass Survival- bless thy familythe kitchen avant may never meet their circumstances as it was truly off your health!"Murmurists (Anthony Donovan) runs bicycles as water well.when I tried I fell, when I enjoyed I dwell as son’s of goddess gestures"-André Pissoir"’Jospeh Boi’ a decision was made with spirit! none addicted to manipulate, it’s the mood as fact which appears in this work of genius!He’s the neXt ONE! viva Murmurists!"-Lester Béton"hearts would be passed on like trust beyond matter of relatives, he’s one of those we do"-undRess Béton

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