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12rec : Jelenka EP

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Playtime: 17:25 - 256kb/s - 26.12 MB



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Release Notes

If you been around with us for a while you probably know about our good connections to the exciting Vienna underground. All these creative kids, assorted around the enigmatic Tupolev, writing and recording music between all genres and conventions. Young at age, but wise concerning their musical knowledge. In Fall 2007 we're off with three new releases from Mödling, Vienna. Opening act: Slon.Slon (Russian for elephant) are a new act to the scene. The band consists of Andrei Jafarau (git), Bernhard Baumann (git), David Wukitsevits (dr) and Alexandr Vatagin on bass, cello and electronics. On a formal level, one can say Slon are a Post Rock-band. So far, so common. But if you zoom a bit closer into the Slon-sound, you will find a million influences, a rhizomatic meshwork of inspirations and an amount of musical ideas other bands could compose whole discographies from. Curtain fall for “Jelenka”!The intro called “Stillleben” was written by Tupolev-bassist Alexandr Vatagin. A soulful and gently aching melody, bowed cello and a few percussion sounds. Sparse and touching like a Jewish elegy. Titletrack “Jelenka” at number two introduces the rest of the band. While both guitarists unfold a simple Jazz melody, Vatagin's cello sets interesting harmonic courses. The whole sound is very intimate and close, nearly chamber musical. Like a mixture between Karate (Jazz), Slint (sparingness) and Gastr Del Sol (experimentalism). “The Negroni Massacre” is rather ambient, a draft of piano and plucked guitar, with delicate feedback and a lot of warming noises in the back. Ominous tune! The tension unleashes with “Chisum” afterwards, the most aggressive song. Jafarau and Baumann let their guitars ring like June of 44 never split up. Final composition “Um Leere Räume zu Füllen” (to fill-up empty rooms) is the culmination of “Jelenka”. The songs starts with an expanded electronic intro, incorporating bass and piano. The guitars take on a humble melody, drums and piano join and bring the song to a prosperous ending.Credits: the artwork is built from an awesome photo taken by Vanessa Arn, Peter Holy helped with the mix

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