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fish recordings : Isotop + Shots + Kaiza - Koo

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Catalog number
Playtime: 6:36 - 320kb/s - 12.38 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/10/12 12:19h



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Release Notes

here it is, the first release on fish recordings:isotop + shots + kaiza  - "koo" [fishrecordings / FISH001]you have to face the truth: dnb is dead, the hype is over and nobody is selling any records nowadays. young girls are interested in tech-house and minimal affairs now and so guys follow: parties are empty, labels have to be shut down and radiostations loose the last listeners.what is the reason behind this developments?girls do not want to take part in a scene of bloodthirsty, braineating and brutal zombies misbehaving on dancefloors and showing how hard they are by cutting off the arms of others to wave them around. and thats the main point in most of the tunes at the moment: they are grimey, dark and bloody all the way...the artists behind this tune tried to do something different back then.but this track does not represent the style of them anymore, so they are back in producing grimey, dark and bloody stuff again for a bunch of people liking to be bloodthirsty, braineating and brutal who want to misbehave on dancefloors and show how hard they are by cutting off the arms of others to wave them around!

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