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BugCoder Records : Invierno

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Playtime: 01:06:58 - 320kb/s - 125.56 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/02/03 18:31h



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Release Notes

When it's cold outside, we would like to bring you some warmness with a selection of 10 deep, melodic and powerfull tracks. We are proud to present some new BugCoder artists like Alex Mulmig from Barcelona/Spain, who joins in with his fantastic "Jakaranda" or Serbian producer Branko Kostic turning back time to November. José Vázquez is on board with a Tech House bomb called "Ozone" and Dave Greenhouse demonstrates the dark side of the winter with his powerfull "Swell High". Warm welcome to our German artists. Besides labelowner Philipp Uhrwerk, Chickejacke is in with a percussional burner going "To Your Bones" and Haarspalter is burning floors with "Pow Wow". We are at least the same way proud to present you well-known BCR artist like billiant Deep House tune "Underground" by Burex or fresh Minimal Techno at it's best by "Fre Dee". After the great Clarkia Pulchella EP, Fugue is playing "Notes From Underground". Hope to pass the winter as good as possible with Invierno.

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