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Breathe : Insomnia

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Playtime: 16:04 - 320kb/s - 30.12 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/03/28 06:31h



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Release Notes

djrefugeeSW from Bosnia exYU, croat, was playing in many bands in 90s... after start of war in his country, he was refugee in Amsterdam playing in one band, then he goes to Sweden, one of the best countries for art and music in his opinion. Now he is a Swedish citizen, working like nurse. Music is hobby, passion, all for him. Recording music in his little studio, with ableton and analog synth. In Insomnia the idea was to make a little different electronika, working in the new album of a friend from Canada, djrefugeeSW makes many samples of bass guitar and distorsion, then he thaught in use it in his new EP (Insomnia) using this experience with sampler, trying to make house but different house, today house is synthetic music, no heart, no soul... many djs doing good but synthetic production.
Artwork by In Vitro

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