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Galaverna : Inner sky (Galav 2012)

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Catalog number
Playtime: 32:19 - 320kb/s - 60.59 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/10/27 01:04h



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Release Notes


“Inner sky” by Gianluca Favaron inaugurates the activities of Galaverna, a digital platform for audio and video content distribution, born by the partnership between Enrico Coniglio, Venetian musician, and Leandro Pisano, curator and journalist from Irpinia.

On the occasion of its inauguration, Galaverna opens the doors to the elegant and sophisticated electroacoustic music of Gianluca Favaron, who after capturing the alienating atmosphere of the last days of last year in a noisy, sinister and “machinic” Paris, he has reworked the collected materials in a mixture of rare poignancy, made of improvisation, field recordings, analogue scores and instrumental echoes. Favaron plunges into dissonant territories using a kind of miniaturist approach, voted to imperceptible changes and to slow state transitions: drones, sounds stripped to the bone and scattered instrumental fragments are mixed in an atonal distillation reminiscent of the evolution of some production made in Metamkine or less abstract in Minamo.

Ambient? Electroacoustic d’essai? Drone? If the electronic experimentation does not leave you indifferent, “Inner sky” is definitely for you, as an effective antidote to the boredom and banality that marked a sea of endless releases in which it becomes increasingly difficult to navigate, in the age of the music market decline.

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