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zymogen : In the Sudden Distance

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Catalog number
Playtime: 26:00 - 320kb/s - 48.75 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/05/24 15:44h



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Release Notes

Jimmy Behan released his debut album 'Days Are What We Live In' in 2004 before taking time out to study for a Masters in Music & Media Technologies from Trinity College, where his thesis focused on the compositional possibilities of creative sampling techniques.Currently, his work focuses on finding emotional connections between the physicality of sounds and their contexts. The physical characteristics of sounds (dynamics, texture and space) are explored via a range of processes before determining the emotional tone of a piece.The 'In the Sudden Distance EP' attempts to capture that moment when the present suddenly becomes the past, rendering the passing of time as a sudden shift in perspective. Recorded around the time of a relocation to his home town after 16 years, it revolves around themes of change, memory and redemption.With this concept work Jimmy brings Zymogen to a higher level in the exploration of electronic soundscapes.

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