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restingbell : Ich bin bei dir

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Catalog number
Playtime: 22:48 - 192kb/s - 25.65 MB
Date released



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Release Notes

Simultan is the project of sound artist and graphic designer Cristiano Rinaldi.His release "Ich bin bei dir" (german for "I'm with you") is a tribute and dedication to Etty Hillesum, a jewish writer from the netherlands, who was murdered 1943 after nazi-deportation in Auschwitz-Birkenau.The 4 pieces are touching, moving and very deep. A great combination of wide and open synth patterns, glitchy elements in the background and warming melodies. Beginning with some more harsh compositions, every pieces gets some specific and very melodic elements, droning around, never leaving your ear. All ends up in with the hymnic and dramatic "daemon".

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