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Sucu Music : I See Can You Hear

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Catalog number
Playtime: 01:04:18 - 320kb/s - 120.56 MB
Date released
Date published
2019/12/10 12:44h



ambient electronic prog soundscapes Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

All the tracks of this “I See! Can You Hear?” release come out of the fruitful collaboration between Cousin Silas and Gaetano Fontanazza, two well-known artists here at Sucumusic.

Despite the highly ambient vocation of Silas and Fontanazza, this release aims to be a “not strictly ambient” album.

What we have here are tracks where the famous Silas’ soundscapes mix with the creative layering guitars, synth and rhythms of Gaetano Fontanazza for a perfect blend.

Music suitable for physical and mental tripping, relaxing and focusing. Just press play and let them guide you through vast landscapes to still waters, from sunny deserts to the halls of your heart, from near cloudy skies to outer space.

The tracks follow one upon another in a sonic stream of consciousness wherein moods are skilfully alternated, from grating, glitching, harsh noises, to placid descents into 'caves measureless to man', if some poetry can be of help. And, when the resonation of the last sound in the album gives way to silence, one is left with the desire to continue the voyage and start listening again. No mean feat, I can assure you.

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