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PandaFuzz : Hunter Gattherer

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Catalog number
Playtime: 57:58 - 320kb/s - 108.69 MB
Date published
2012/02/28 19:01h



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Release Notes

i don’t usually have the patience for ambient music.

it shuts me down…to the point that i sit and stare.

stare at the world, slowed by infinite-seeming notes shaped by even more infinite attacks and decays…

and then the track ends and i realize i have emails to read, projects to finish, copy to write, halls to pace. which is why i don’t listen to ambient music.

but as it is my duty to bring you write-ups for these panda fuzz releases my dear reader, i find myself forced to listen to ambient music

and i am struck by its patience. because this is expert level patience.
so let the emails and projects fall to the wayside for an hour.
its ok to toy with the infinite every once and a while
friends, let’s listen to some ambient music…some truly rewarding ambient music…

From the artist:

Cochlear. Vibration. Collision. Serotonin.
Movement. Empathy.

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