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BFWrecordings : Himmelholzsteg 1

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Catalog number
Playtime: 01:54:49 - 320kb/s - 215.28 MB
Date released
Date published
2015/01/24 12:20h



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Release Notes

More details of the artists involved via the release link.

model: Julia Z.
all sounds by eisenlager glasklinge zeitenlicht
Philippe Gerber-John316, Wings of an Angel, Kostas Staikos-Substak, Hell Seb, Silentport, Falko Köhler, Gisela Köhler, Øystein Jørgensen, zentralgestirn, schwarzraum, Harald Bertram, Cousin Silas, im wesen, midnightradio11, Walter Fini-Desh Alb Project, Colin Blake-Playman54

The music of eisenlager is subject to no form and no rule established by me. It happens in the moment that it happens. It is not being formed in my head in advance. It is formed during creation. Midnightradio 11 and eisenlager are the two projects I have been pursuing since the year 2000. The sounds that evolve during creation reflect my humor, my fear, my life, my experiences and current events. I do not fit in any category but if I had to I would describe myself as an electric krautrocker. It makes me happy when people go on a journey with my music, when they tell me what they felt, what they remembered. When that happens I have reached my goal.

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