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MIRmusic : Here We Are EP

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 25:29 - 320kb/s - 47.78 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/04/04 19:35h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

[1] irradiation is giving her debut at mirmusic from Vienna (austria) with a deep Techhouse track, which seems to keep on rollin endless.

[2] jens hansky & tobi kleinschmidt deliver in their first cooperation a very reduced minimaltrack. the both munich based guys formed a straight tune with one big break, which lets you feel, you are surrounded by water...

[3] DigitalBorder joins from the northern part of germany with a kind of experimental electronic bleeping and rumbling track, waiting to carry the dancefloor to extremes

[4] Padice from Naples brings a terrific minimal Track which animates to swing the heads and is made for boosting the feelings of the crowd

[5] Minya has also done his first release with this EP. The tracks smells like floating emotion and starts with a Vocal containing some facts about the spacestation.

Artwork by VFX Johow

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