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Audiocast Productions : Here They Come

Catalog number
Playtime: 6:00 - 320kb/s - 11.25 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/05/23 16:28h



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Release Notes

On Bleep&Dirty’s second release we have another two storming tracks, the first of which, Here They Come is forged from a few different inspirational thoughts and ideas, according to Bleep&Dirty a combination of seeing Alice in Chains in concert, reading Dante’s Inferno, and seeing some etchings by Blake which were based on the poem, led to conjuring up the necessary inspiration for this great electronic yet grunge inspired track.


The track Assembly Line however has quite a different concept behind it, just imagine this “sometime in the not too distant future an assembly line android plans to escape it’s human overlords”. If you don’t know what I mean, then you will once you listen to the track.


To describe this release in terms of genre, it’s quite a challenging task, it’s not exactly Techno, it’s not really Electro, but it’s definitely electronic with a hint of breakbeat-zombie-grunge-tech thrown into the mix.



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