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Zimmer-Records : Hecrom - New Horizon

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 21:53 - 320kb/s - 41.03 MB
Date released
Date published
2016/02/14 06:47h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

no more than just an illusion
yet a face revealing the pain
which wasn't there before

a prisoner chained
by the requirements
without a key to free
the loving heart inside

a mirror with a scar
may not be perfect
yet each one is different
in its own special way so
don't overlook the qualities
a scar can sometimes hide

there's no way to turn back time
so why hold on to old pain?
let go of the echo's of the past
wipe away all the falling tears

little by little learn from the
mistakes made and change
the wrongs into the rights
with every new day
there is a new horizon
(lady bird)

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